Fractional CO2 laser – scars

Use of the CO2 ablative laser for wrinkles, scars and the destruction of benign tumours is well established.

What is a fractional CO2 laser?

Today, thanks to advanced technologies, it is possible to fraction the beam of a laser, that is, to filter it in order to preserve islands of healthy skin on the surface treated.

In addition to its purely ablative function, the CO2 laser deeply heats tissue, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the dermis in order to eliminate scars from acne and surgery as well as fine lines.

To provide you with detailed information on our treatment process and prices, we offer a free, no-commitment consultation.

  • Duration of results and number of sessions: As this treatment works at depth, it produces long-term results. The number of sessions needed will vary depending on the depth of the scars or wrinkles.

    Treatment results generally become visible in 2 stages: an initial rapid improvement is typically noticed in the first 2 to 3 weeks, then there is further, more gradual improvement, in the 6 months following treatment.

  • An anaesthetic cream is applied 30 minutes before treatment.

    Please note that we do not perform any laser or aesthetic treatments on pregnant women.

  • You may experience a diffuse sensation of warmth or burning in the treated area. You will be given a prescription for painkillers.

  • Use of the CO2 ablative laser for wrinkles, scars and the destruction of benign tumours is well established.

    You will experience scabbing for several days.

    A wound-healing cream will reduce this and hydrate your skin. Using sun protection with a minimum SPF of 30 is essential.

    Depending on the area treated, for the face, it will be necessary to take a week off work and avoid going out in public for the first 4 to 5 days. You will have no issues with areas covered by clothing.

  • The session lasts 30 to 60 minutes depending on the area treated. The time needed for application of the topical anaesthetic should also be added to this (+ 30 minutes).

Example of treatment

30 to 60 minutes

Duration of treatment

6 months






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+41 (0)27 323 70 00

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